s3a • about us

Since last August we had several contacts all over the world, with other schools, other classes. We wrote a lot of emails and we have got many mails back, asking us about our life, our country, our interests...So we decided to create a web site about Switzerland, and here is the result:
This team presents just one part of our common work. Most of the groups had a lot of exchange (texts, pictures, materials) and it was really a common work. It's like a jigsaw-puzzle - once you have seen all pages you will have an impressions of our counrty and our life here in Switzerland
S3a means Sekundarschule 3rd class - this is 8th grade, so we will leave school in summer 2000 !

. . . and when these pages are published we are no more S3a, but S4a!

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© S3a, sekundarschule spreitenbach, switzerland